Thursday, August 9, 2007

summer essentials-flowy tops

Right now, i'm crazy bout flowy tops. I wear it almost to every occasion and match them with almost everything. shorts. mini skirts. jeans. It's comfortable, and it's the perfect way to hide that bulge on your tummy :))
But you need some skill to sport them without looking preggie :P.
Here are some do's and dont's based on my "research" :))
1. when you pair it with jeans, make sure it's skinny jeans. other wise you will look heavy top and bottom and ppl might think that u just gained some extra weight.
2. pair it with mini, jeans preferably.. DONT pair it with frilly, pleated, volume. Or even worse, long bohemian-look skirt, you will end up looking like the olsens (without the hefty bank account).
3. wear it with short (this is my favorite combo). jeans and cotton for daytime. For an evening out, choose the ones with fancy fabrics. such as silk and lace. or pair it with a flattering and dressy short.
Hope that'll help.
Meanwhile here are few of my favorite from some online shops. I will post my personal collection in different post. enjoy! :)
1. black silk blouse from topshop
2. black blouse from topshop
3. white embroidered smock from topshop
4. turqoise cotton blouse from topshop ( I luuuuv the color on this one..)
5. white embriodered top from anna sui


Time is moving so fast, it's been more than 10 years since we first met in college. Dinna is in town, so we decided to meet for lunch. The rendezvous was full of laughs, jokes, mocking (on certain ppl hehehe) just like always. Too bad eleny wasnt feeling well, she couldnt join the fun with the aunties :P Speedy recovery dear..! The lunch was also a celebration of liza's brithday.. Liza, bon anniversaire!, Hope you like the pressie. Girl, you can grow up, but you can never be too old, late nite party any one?? for old time sake *_^

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

let's go shopping!

Thanks to Liza & hubby, i finally got the (in)famous anya "i'm not a plastic bag". Got it about almost 2 weeks ago, but hadn't got the change to post it. I know... i's a bit late..and a bit shallow ;), but what the h*ll, it's MY blog hehe..Anyway, Due to the incident in Hong Kong, Anya decided not to realease the bag in Asia (hongkong, shanghai and Jakarta, as far as i know..). It got me thinking...standing in line for hours and all the chaos they it really worth it? I mean, the purpose of the bag was originally to replace those stupid and fugly looking plastic bags. I once read in the internet a while ago that there was this girl, coming out of a supermarket carrying the plastic bags full of groceries while the other hand toting none other than....yess, the ANYA BAG..ironic, huh? I'm not againts those who are willing to pay a lot more than they should to get their hands on the bag (including me, i confess :P), but let's not forget the eco-friendly statement that it brings. From now on, let's start toting the bag instead of the hideous colorful plastic bags! That's what it really is about, right? :)

Friday, August 3, 2007

summer essentials-espadrilles

Summer is here, time to gear up, ladies! pack you things and let's enjoy the sun!...Uhhm...okay, we have summer all year long here, but this time we do have a reason to buy one more pair of shoes :) Espadrilles is my favorite item for the season. it's light, comfy, and stylish, laid-back without looking sloppy . You can pair it with anything. shorts. flirty skirts. sundress. If you're a simple, no fuzz-girl, white is definetely a safe way to go. But if you want to add a little twist to your outfit, opt for yellow or turqoise. those are the big hit this season. Tough i personally love the white one. it's simple, chic and could easily match any of my outfit. Check out, they certainly have good range of colors and styles. Or click for some top designer products. Well, whatever the color color or style you choose, just wear it with attitude. Here are some of my favorite (yeah, i'm a sucker for anything white. sorry, couldnt find the pics of the bright colored ones :P)
1. roxy
2. gabriella rocha
3. steve madden engyne
4. forgot the name


Finally, i join the blog world :) Never wrote for anything in my entire life, but "amazingly" managed to make this blog. my own personal blog. If you wish to read anything about politics or economy then obviously you come to the wrong place :P This blog made to indulge my most shallow obsession: shoes. bags. celebrity news. or anything interesting (to me) that cross my mind while i'm writing it. Right now, i am hooked on korean movies and series. couldnt live without them. Hopefully this blog will last longer than my last shoes. So people, if you share the same interest, then ride on and read on, dont forget to give comments (if you wish, of course.)..