Tuesday, August 7, 2007

let's go shopping!

Thanks to Liza & hubby, i finally got the (in)famous anya "i'm not a plastic bag". Got it about almost 2 weeks ago, but hadn't got the change to post it. I know... i know..it's a bit late..and a bit shallow ;), but what the h*ll, it's MY blog hehe..Anyway, Due to the incident in Hong Kong, Anya decided not to realease the bag in Asia (hongkong, shanghai and Jakarta, as far as i know..). It got me thinking...standing in line for hours and all the chaos they made..is it really worth it? I mean, the purpose of the bag was originally to replace those stupid and fugly looking plastic bags. I once read in the internet a while ago that there was this girl, coming out of a supermarket carrying the plastic bags full of groceries while the other hand toting none other than....yess, the ANYA BAG..ironic, huh? I'm not againts those who are willing to pay a lot more than they should to get their hands on the bag (including me, i confess :P), but let's not forget the eco-friendly statement that it brings. From now on, let's start toting the bag instead of the hideous colorful plastic bags! That's what it really is about, right? :)


Corner 68 said...

welcome to the Club! :)

daydreamer said...

thank u dear! :) asik juga sih bisa buat bawa2 segala macem..baju, buku, lemari, kursi, komputer...